moncli=0 mavar='' function ferme() {,'_blank') $('#demo').removeClass('show'); $('#demo').addClass('hide'); $( "#header" ).show(); $('modal fade in').hide moncli=4; } function ouvre() { window.location=mavar; moncli=5; } $( document ).ready(function() { $("#demo").load(""); $('#demo').removeClass('hide').simplepopup({title: 'Une offre à ne pas manquer'}); $( "#header" ).hide(); }); $('html').click(function() { if (moncli==0){ ferme(); } }); window.bioEp = { // Private variables bgEl: {}, popupEl: {}, closeBtnEl: {}, shown: false, overflowDefault: "visible", transformDefault: "", // Popup options width: 400, height: 220, html: "", css: "", fonts: [], delay: 0, showOnDelay: false, cookieExp: 30, // Object for handling cookies, taken from QuirksMode // cookieManager: { // Create a cookie create: function(name, value, days) { var expires = ""; if(days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; 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style.type = "text/css"; style.appendChild(css); // Insert it before other existing style // elements so user CSS isn't overwritten document.head.insertBefore(style, document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0]); }, // Add the popup to the page addPopup: function() { // Add the background div this.bgEl = document.createElement("div"); = "bio_ep_bg"; document.body.appendChild(this.bgEl); // Add the popup if(document.getElementById("bio_ep")) this.popupEl = document.getElementById("bio_ep"); else { this.popupEl = document.createElement("div"); = "bio_ep"; this.popupEl.innerHTML = this.html; document.body.appendChild(this.popupEl); } // Add the close button this.closeBtnEl = document.createElement("div"); = "bio_ep_close"; this.closeBtnEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("X")); this.popupEl.insertBefore(this.closeBtnEl, this.popupEl.firstChild); }, // Show the popup showPopup: function() { //if(this.shown) return; if (moncli==0) window.location = mavar; = "block"; = "block"; // Handle scaling this.scalePopup(); // Save body overflow value and hide scrollbars this.overflowDefault =; // = "hidden"; this.shown = true; }, // Hide the popup hidePopup: function() { = "none"; = "none"; // Set body overflow back to default to show scrollbars // = this.overflowDefault; }, // Handle scaling the popup scalePopup: function() { var margins = { width: 40, height: 40 }; var popupSize = { width: bioEp.popupEl.offsetWidth, height: bioEp.popupEl.offsetHeight }; var windowSize = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; var newSize = { width: 0, height: 0 }; var aspectRatio = popupSize.width / popupSize.height; // First go by width, if the popup is larger than the window, scale it if(popupSize.width > (windowSize.width - margins.width)) { newSize.width = windowSize.width - margins.width; newSize.height = newSize.width / aspectRatio; // If the height is still too big, scale again if(newSize.height > (windowSize.height - margins.height)) { newSize.height = windowSize.height - margins.height; newSize.width = newSize.height * aspectRatio; } } // If width is fine, check for height if(newSize.height === 0) { if(popupSize.height > (windowSize.height - margins.height)) { newSize.height = windowSize.height - margins.height; newSize.width = newSize.height * aspectRatio; } } // Set the scale amount var scaleTo = newSize.width / popupSize.width; // If the scale ratio is 0 or is going to enlarge (over 1) set it to 1 if(scaleTo <= 0 || scaleTo > 1) scaleTo = 1; // Save current transform style if(this.transformDefault === "") this.transformDefault = window.getComputedStyle(this.popupEl, null).getPropertyValue("transform"); // Apply the scale transformation = this.transformDefault + " scale(" + scaleTo + ")"; }, // Load event listeners for the popup loadEvents: function() { // Track mouse movements document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) { // Get current scroll position var scroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; if((e.pageY - scroll) < 7) bioEp.showPopup(); }); // Handle the popup close button this.closeBtnEl.addEventListener("click", function() { bioEp.hidePopup(); }); // Handle window resizing window.addEventListener("resize", function() { bioEp.scalePopup(); }); }, // Set user defined options for the popup setOptions: function(opts) { this.width = (typeof opts.width === 'undefined') ? this.width : opts.width; this.height = (typeof opts.height === 'undefined') ? this.height : opts.height; this.html = (typeof opts.html === 'undefined') ? this.html : opts.html; this.css = (typeof opts.css === 'undefined') ? this.css : opts.css; this.fonts = (typeof opts.fonts === 'undefined') ? this.fonts : opts.fonts; this.delay = (typeof opts.delay === 'undefined') ? this.delay : opts.delay; this.showOnDelay = (typeof opts.showOnDelay === 'undefined') ? this.showOnDelay : opts.showOnDelay; this.cookieExp = (typeof opts.cookieExp === 'undefined') ? this.cookieExp : opts.cookieExp; }, // Initialize init: function(opts) { // Once the DOM has fully loaded window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Handle options if(typeof opts !== 'undefined') bioEp.setOptions(opts); // Handle the cookie if(bioEp.checkCookie()) return; // Add the CSS bioEp.addCSS(); // Add the popup bioEp.addPopup(); // Load events setTimeout(function() { bioEp.loadEvents(); if(bioEp.showOnDelay) bioEp.showPopup(); }, bioEp.delay * 1000); }); } } bioEp.init({ width: 350, height: 70, html: '

Merci pour votre visite, Cliquez ici !
', cookieExp: 0 });